Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where Is Waldo?? Remember him...

Do you remember the "Where's Waldo?" books? I sort of do. They are newer than my kids read and way older than my g'kids read. This past week, though, I got involved with Waldo in a curious sort of way. My brother from the states wanted me to knit a baby sweater like the one Waldo wears. A strange request you might say.  It seems there's a woman in his office who has been nicknamed 'Waldo' and who is pregnant. He thought it would be a fun idea to gift her a 'Waldo' baby sweater and hat 'a la Waldo.' There was plenty of time but the idea got my creative juices going and I started to work. It's all done now; about 3 weeks after the initial request.

                                                                  Remember now?

Now comes the baby look-alike:



                       This is about a 3-6 month size, with snaps on the left shoulder for easy on and off.

The hat would go easily over a grapefruit. There are no ear-flaps as this is going to a southern state.

And now the really cute things. I have no idea what kind of socks Waldo wears but I had to go with the stripes. See below.

                                                     Aren't they cute?  Just like mom and dad's.

Since these are gifts they will not be listed in my Etsy store. I prefer to do custom knitting anyway. So if you have need of a baby layette, baby sweater, bootees, or whatever for a baby, I can knit it. I will design something especially for you based on your ideas. Then I'll send you a drawing. When you approve it and we agree on a price, I'll begin. The above project took 3 weeks from the time I was asked until the finish.  It can be shorter or longer depending on the design. Pricing is also flexible. International shipping at about $8-10. You would pay only the exact shipping amount. (Within Europe, a bit less.)

Please let me know if I can design and knit something for you. Not just baby clothes. I knit personal items also. You tell me your idea and I'll tell you whether or not I can knit it.

Contact me at:

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Spring Shopping Spree

 Well it's time for the first major shopping spree of Spring. If you need a special shopping bag to put those purchases in, you've come to the right place. Just relisted the Poppy Collection natural cotton shopping bag. 18" x 40". Washable in cool water; should be air dried; can be ironed. Rolls up small enough to store in your purse. Click here to find this bag:

This interesting bag is the same bag as above. BUT... in the middle there is room for a name, a slogan, a poem, your own personalization. You can make this bag really special for a unique graduation or bridal shower gift. You pick the occasion, you tell me what to put in the middle, you have a one-of-a-kind gift or personal shopping bag. Click here to see this bag in my Etsy shop:

While you are there, browse around the other parts of  P*U*S*S*Y*F*O*O*T*S  to see what you can find.

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you had a good time.